Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Saturday Morning Find

Hey, look what I found today at a local garage sale…..

                                                                         wicker table

                                              wicker table2

I love it! It is real wicker, not vinyl, and though it has a few nicks and chippie  paint, it fits in with my shabby chic décor. I wouldn’t think of painting it.

The seller told me it was an old piece but I’m not sure exactly just how old. Doesn’t matter. She was asking $10 (!!) and I got it for $8. Can you believe that? Washed it up (a nasty old spider had spun his web on the underside) and it is drying in my laundry room.

Amazing what you can find on a Saturday morning on your way to the post office !

Friday, July 22, 2011

A Rainy Morning Under the Patio Cover

After a week of sun scorching, hot/humid weather we are having a rainy day and are grateful for it.

I sat in my backyard this morning with my coffee, newspaper and Ipad, under our patio cover and enjoyed a steady, soaking rain.


So refreshing – I loved it!

I hesitatingly admit that I was the same one complaining about all the rain this past spring. Funny how a change of season (to say nothing about the hot dry summer) changes your perspective – and brings you something else to complain about!

Have a nice weekend.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Frantic Search

Well, we certainly had our share of excitement here last week. My husband was setting up the sprinkler out front and had Jenny DSCN1442with him. He says he turned his back for one minute to wave to a neighbor and the next minute she was gone!

He yelled in the door that she was gone and I hurried out to help find her. Usually if one of our dogs wanders off, they are just a house or two down, sniffing and doing their best to ignore our callings but this was different. She was nowhere to be found.

God bless my neighbors, even some from the area that I didn’t know. Everyone was in search mode, calling her name while walking block after block, slowly driving thru the neighborhood and calling her etc. Some unable to leave the house said they would pray for us.  Word got around and for almost a 6 block radius people and kids were searching. All of this continued from 6 pm until 9pm, to no avail. My husband and I searched with flashlights until well after midnite.

She has been implanted with the HomeAgain microchip 27974_128803520473562_124334104253837_222632_6832343_nand I called to report her missing. Neither of us slept that night.

The next morning, 8am, a nearby shelter   41364_1849898011_1315_ncalled to say that our Jenny had been found and was waiting for us to pick her up – no worse for the wear.

When we arrived we got the story of what happened and where she was found……seems she got on a nearby freeway off-ramp, walked 8 blocks against traffic on the side of the road and was approached by 2 cars trying to catch her. The Sheriff’s dept. happened along, reprimanded the cars for stopping, sent them on their way and then closed the freeway and were able to catch her themselves!They then took her to the shelter where we got her back from.

Office of the Sheriff

Sheriffs banner with American flag and Deputys badge

My goodness, when I think of all that could have befallen her I shudder.

So, thank you to my neighbors, the people who tried to get her on the freeway, the Sheriffs who succeeded and the shelter that cared for her overnight.

And I also don’t doubt that we got a little help from all those prayers too!